The Sony PSP is STILL Getting New Releases!

It’s mind blowing that the PSP is still getting new releases!

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky The Second Chapter, developed by Falcom and published Xseed in North America, just came out a couple of days ago on PlayStation Network. It’s also on Steam as well if you’re interested.


Summon Night 5 (above) and Class of Heroes 3 (below) are scheduled for release and are localized by Gaijinworks, which is headed by Victor Ireland.

class of heroes

Victor Ireland previously worked for Working Designs and localized some of the best RPGs for the Turbo Duo, Sega CD, Sega Saturn, and PS1/2.

working designs

Even though many people think the Vita is dead in the West, it looks like it will get the same continued support as its predecessor and will likely outlive the Nintendo 3ds and Wii U (I’d love it if they had long lifespans, but it seems like the upcoming NX will eat their sales and support if judging Nintendo’s past), especially if it’s Sony’s last handheld ever. Even this year alone Vita has had at least 17 physical North American releases while Wii U has had around 6. (Judging by a quick scan at Gamerankings)

Long live the PSP and Vita!

psp and vita

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