Top 6 Music Releases of 2015

2015 was a great year for music and I ended up listening to 250+ releases. I thought it was an especially strong year for screamo. In fact, half of the releases I’m going to mention are a part of this subgenre! The albums in my top six are the ones I’ve awarded at least a 4.5/5 to on my Rateyourmusic account. The #1 album is a 5/5 in my book. Without further ado, here’s my top six music releases of 2015!

6. Versus​/​/​/​Verses – Tantive IV


We’re kicking it off with an obscure screamo ep. It has that raw and intimate Bandcamp sound that I personally love. My favorite song is easily the last one. The first few minutes contains no screaming at all, and it builds up to the explosive grand finale. Very emotional and definitely one of my favorite releases from 2015.

5. Inside – Yearbooks


Another screamo release. This one has a lot of post-hardcore influence and lots of midwest emo-like arpeggios thrown into the mix. The screaming is great and heartfelt – another screamo classic in my book.

4. Sing Me a Song – Dérive


This is one of the most unique screamo releases I’ve heard and that’s really saying something. The record has a ton of math rock influence and no two songs sound alike. Sounds range from hectic to absolutely beautiful. It is definitely the best screamo release of 2015 and is among the best of the decade.

3. Passo Torto & Ná Ozzetti – Thiago França


This is an album I didn’t know much about before I listened to it. I knew it was experimental and Brazilian and that’s about it. Well I have to say it caught me really off guard and in the good way! The music is inspired by the “vanguarda paulista” movement of the late 70s and early to mid 80s. It was basically a movement of experimental Brazilian music that wasn’t radio friendly enough to sign with the big record labels of the time. I adore experimental music from this era, so it’s no surprise that I love this. Bits and pieces remind me of avant prog in the vein of the Art Bears as well as artists like The Residents. Definitely check this one out if you like experimental music!

2. Moonlover – Ghost Bath


It’s impossible to talk about this album without mentioning Deafheaven, so I’ll get it out of the way now. Yes, it sounds similar to their “Sunbather” sound. No it’s not a ripoff as they have their own style and they surpass them in a few ways even. The album is a part of the blackgaze genre which combines black metal with post-rock. It also has some depressive black metal elements as well. I love the ambient pieces as well as the amazing vocal performance. Instead of demonic growling we have sorrowful cries throughout the album. It’s a very emotional piece and every black metal fan needs to hear this at least once.

1. The Powers That B – Death Grips


I’ve written about this release before, but it’s so good I need to write more about it! Basically it’s a two disc experimental rap album. A big catch was that the first disc was released almost a full year before the second. This lead fans to speculate the eventual release of the second part. It was an incredible ride and I doubt I’ll ever get as hyped for anything else as long as I live. The first disc, Niggas on the Moon, is my favorite rap release of all time and it ranks as one of my favorite albums of the millennium as well. After falling in love with part one, I just couldn’t wait to hear part 2. Well the second part, Jenny Death, definitely lived up to its hype. While drastically different from NOTM, it goes perfectly well with it and creates one of the finest double albums of all time. Niggas on the Moon has many math rock elements and features Bjork samples on every track. It creates a spastic yet incredibly cohesive piece. Jenny Death sounds more like one of their previous albums, No Love Deep Web. It has a nice blend of heavy guitar driven beats with lots of electronic elements thrown in as well. The Powers That B is a legitimate 5/5 album and is easily my favorite overall release of 2015!

Runner Ups

These are the albums I awarded a 4/5 to. Combined with the above releases, there are 20 in total.


Circle Thinking – i hate sex

Don’t Be A Let Down – Messes

To Kill a Heart and Capitalizing on Your Emotions  – The Truth About Dreaming

Heaven in the Hollow – Saintly Rows

Home – Hausmaison

Anatomy & Dissection- Caust

Other Types of Emo

Copacetic – Knuckle Puck (Emo/Pop Punk)

Dogs on Acid – Dogs on Acid (Indie Rock/Emo)

Hip Hop

Plain Speaking – Scallops Hotel

Today, I Wrote Nothing – Billy Woods

Garage Raps Vol.1 – Signor Benedick the Moor

Last But Not Least

‘Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress’ – Godspeed You! Black Emperor (Post-Rock)

Here’s a handy image of every album I’ve mentioned in this article!

Best Releases of 2015

Here’s to 2016 and all of the great music it has in store!